

发布时间:2019年04月11日 15:13 作者: 点击:[]







Emailnxgj1115326@sxau.edu.cn; nxgj1115326@163.com




2012-2015 南京农业大学 作物遗传育种 博士

2009-2012 南京农业大学 作物遗传育种 硕士

2005-2009 南京农业大学 农学 学士


2022- 晋中市科协 兼职副主席

2018- 开云KAIYUN(中国)官方网站 副教授

2016-2018 开云KAIYUN(中国)官方网站 讲师


1. 谷子杂种优势形成的遗传机制及杂交谷子新品种选育

2. 谷子功能微量元素(硒、铁、锌等)关键基因挖掘与功能验证

3. 农作物高通量基因芯片开发、育种应用与基因组大数据挖掘






1. Guo J, Zhou XT, Dai KL, Yuan XY, Guo PY, Shi WP, Zhou MX. Comprehensive analysis of YABBY gene family in foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and functional characterization of SiDL. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2022, 21(10): 2876-2887. (IF=4.384, SCI一区TOP)

2. Wang K, Zhang Z, Sha X, Yu P, Li Y, Zhang D, Liu X, He G, Li Y, Wang T, Guo J*, Chen J and Li C. (通讯作者) Identification of a new QTL underlying seminal root number in a maize-teosinte population. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14: 1132017. (IF=6.627, SCI二区TOP)

3. Guo J, Liu H, Dai K, Yuan X, Guo P, Shi W and Zhou M. Identification of Brachypodium distachyon B3 genes reveals that BdB3-54 regulates primary root growth. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1050171. (IF=6.627, SCI二区TOP)

4. Guo J, Bai X, Dai K, Yuan X, Guo P, Zhou M, Shi W and Hao C. Identification of GATA Transcription Factors in Brachypodium distachyon and Functional Characterization of BdGATA13 in Drought Tolerance and Response to Gibberellins. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 763665. (IF=6.627, SCI二区TOP)

5. Guo J, Bai X, Shi W, Li R, Hao X, Wang H, Gao Z, Guo J*, Lin W. (通讯作者) Risk assessment of freezing injury during overwintering of wheat in the northern boundary of the Winter Wheat Region in China. PeerJ, 2021, 9: e12154. (IF=3.061, SCI三区)

6. Guo J, Li C, Zhao J, Guo J, Shi W, Cheng S, Zhou M, Hao C. Ecological genomics of Chinese wheat improvement: implications in breeding for adaptation. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 494. (IF=5.260, SCI二区)

7. Shi W, Yue L, Guo J, Wang J, Yuan X, Dong S, Guo J*, Guo P. (通讯作者) Identification and evolution of C4 photosynthetic pathway genes in plants. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20:132. (IF=5.260, SCI二区)

8. Guo J, Ren Y, Tang Z, Shi W, Zhou M. Characterization and expression profiling of the ICE-CBF-COR genes in wheat. PeerJ, 2019, 7:e8190. (IF=3.061, SCI三区)

9. Guo J, Shi W, Zhang Z, Cheng J, Sun D, Yu J, Li X, Guo P, Hao C. Association of yield-related traits in founder genotypes and derivatives of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18:38. (IF=5.260, SCI二区)

10. Shi W, Yue L, Cheng J, Guo J, Li L, Xie K, Dong J, Xu Y, Guo J*, Zhou M. (通讯作者) A genome-wide associate study reveals favorable alleles conferring apical and basal spikelet fertility in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Molecular Breeding, 2018, 38:146. (IF=3.297, SCI二区)

11. Shi W, Cheng J, Wen X, Wang J, Shi G, Yao J, Hou L, Sun Q, Xiang P, Yuan X, Dong S, Guo P, Guo J*. (通讯作者) Transcriptomic studies reveal a key metabolic pathway contributing to a well-maintained photosynthetic system under drought stress in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.). PeerJ, 2018, 6:e4752. (IF=3.061, SCI三区)

12. Shi W, Hao C, Zhang Y, Cheng J, Zhang Z, Liu J, Yi X, Cheng X, Sun D, Xu Y, Zhang X, Cheng S, Guo P, Guo J*. (通讯作者) A combined association mapping and linkage analysis of kernel number per spike in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1412. (IF=6.627, SCI二区TOP)

